Como eh suspeito de todas as palavras comecando em al, se trata de um doce originalmente arabe - chamado الفاخر. Aparentemente ele chegou na Espanha quando ela foi conquistada pelos arabes - Al-Andalus. Sobre a etmologia (via Wikipedia):
"... alfajor, would be an andalusism for the castellanism alajú, derived from the Arabic word الفاخر, [al- fakhur], which is not known, neither found in América, where andalusians introduced it as alfajor, from the arabic word alfahua that means honeycomb..."E se espalhou pela America do Sul - sendo bastante modificado, no entanto - mas nao tanto que me permitiu identifica-lo na padaria. Ainda:
"Due to the popularity of this food they already were in the warehouses of the first ships of the Spaniards on their way to America. The earliest references to its presence in Latin America referred to Venezuela and Peru, where they were given as ration to the Spanish troops."
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